lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009

My Career

I`m studying psychology in Universidad de Chile, I realy don't know why I get in this career, in fact, I've always hated, but some day, like a month before PSU, I realise that I want to be a psychologist. My mom nearly died when I told her my decition, in spite of she always supported me. I know she was very worried abaout my labour future, and still worried I thought, but I'm very happy with my decition and can't be more sure about it.

I have no idea in what area of Psychology I will work in, but thats the special thing that Psychology has, that you can work in a wide variety of areas, from music to conductism, from clinic to alternative therapies, group and individual work etc. You can put into practice in every area you can imagine, so with imagination you can do watever you want.
I think th wors thing of studying psi. is the social prejudice; but if you really want to study this career, you will overcome it and told to those who looks you in a rare way, I'm happy so don't mess with me.

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

That was a very beautiful moment, time ago I was a girl scout, member of Ruta Antupai, we were the oldest ones in the group apart from our leaders. Every year in January we used to go to a summer camp that lasted 15 days and each year we did an activity called Raid, in which you have to travel long distances on foot.
In the summer of 2008 we went to Chiloé, the place was very beautiful and we were surrounded by nature all the time, but the most amazing thing I saw and live that camp was in the raid. Our goal was la piedra del puma that was 30 km away from our camp place. The D day we woke up at 4 or 5 am., put down our tents, puck up our things and food and started walking at 6am. We walk all day long, take some rests to have breakfast, lunch and drink water, we were axhausted. La piedra del puma was at a hill, the only way to reach it was walking up trough a road used by trucks that trasport pine logs, it was a very difficult ascent cause of the slope and heat. Finally we reach our goal at 6 pm, we were so tired but most of all we were mor than happy, we were proud of our selves for being able to walk all the distance and reach oru goal. This picture was taken when we arrive la piedra del puma.

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2009

My most precious possession is a necklace that my mom gave to me many years ago. Really she didn't gave to me a necklace, she gave me the "medal" of the necklace; "medal" because acuratelly its not a medal, its a piece of rock called piedra de la cruz, with the shape of a medal. My mom bought it on a handicraft freemarket of Concepción.

The piedra de la cruz is a semi precious stone, unique in the world, you can find it only in río Las Cruces, located in Laraquete, Octava región. Her name is because a strange formation inside the stone, when the stone is cut in half, appears a perfect cross in it.
People said that this stone is usseful for protection, stimulate intelligence and help those who want to change their way of leaving.

For the Mapuches this stone represents the souls of the warrios killed by the spanish man, the souls of the people that gave their life for their land and brothers.