jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

Ken Robinson says education kills creativity

Ken Robinson quote to Picasso "all children born artist, the problem is to remain an artist" this words said years and years ago explain what Ken Robinson set out in his monologue.
Ken said that schools are estructurating childrens minds to a future that nowbody knows how it would be, so they are decreasing child capacities to adaptate to the environment that they will have to live. School and modern society valorate more hard ciences rather than arts or social ciences. School programs are more interested in teaching maths or chemistry rather than music or dance, sunjets that are very usefull to increase creativity or selfknowledge.
Nowadays all schools are promoting to study some university degree, showing it like the only way to succed in life, but studies shows us that some years from know there will be no people taht doesnt have a university degree.

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