lunes, 1 de junio de 2009

In five years from now I would love to be travelling around the world, one of my dreams is to finish university, work some months to sve some money and travel trough europe, specialy spain and go to the tomatoe war that they made during summer. Professionaly I dont want to be stablished yet because i want to be free some time to do all my projects, nos shedule or duties, just live my life at my own rythm.
I don't know where I wolud be living, certainly not in only one place, the world will be my home fos some time. I will live in my tent, and my notebook will be the only connection with my famly and friends.
But this travel will end some time, and another dream will start when this journey ends, the dream to became a mother, i doesnt mattter if I dont have someone beside me like a husband or boyfriend, I hope in one near future, women and men will be able to adoppt without the actual needs, and I will adopt some kid an give him all the lovr that I can, providing him a very happy family that eill love him as much as his /hers real familiy.

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